Tuesday, October 12, 2010


My decision to start a blog goes something like this: while procrastinating and wasting time, I came across a link to a blog post on hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com. It’s fabulous, and you should definitely check it out. 

Over the course of reading a few posts, I began to think: wow, all of these things sound like something I would do. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve done stupider things. Furthermore, most of these events resulted in hilarity for everyone except, maybe, for me. While being intentionally funny really isn't my area of expertise, I’ve been known to amuse others while making an ass of myself and/or getting into absurd shenanigans. Besides, it’s a good way to keep in touch with my friends back on the Best Coast. 

To begin with, I am a full-blooded Californian who transferred to Washington D.C. a couple months ago to finish up grad school. Being single and new to DC, I’ve been keeping myself entertained (on the rare occasions I’m not doing school work) by dating and trying to get to know D.C.

I will probably use this forum to tell ridiculous stories of my life, engage in feminist rants, and ramble about my rapidly oscillating views of dating and relationships.

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